Monday, January 14, 2008

At last...a dusting of snow!

So here I am on the 14th of January and we are finally getting some chilly weather. I woke up this morning and stuck my head out the window looking east toward the East Sea (just over that range) and this was my view. It's funny how simple things like the familar smell and feel of crisp cold air can send me back in time. I remember taking long, frigid walks in Minneapolis- just checking things out -enjoying the relative peace the cold brought to the side streets of Steven's Square and Whittier neighborhoods near to the casa. The one nice thing about being on the other side of the globe and nearly the same latitude is getting the familar moods the seasons can bring. I took a walk this weekend and was a dark, rainy day out. It brought back memories of playing in the woods as a kid in my parents back yard after the leaves had dropped and everything was damp and decaying. This is a fond memory for me, much like the crisp cold air was this morning. Anyhow, if you're reading this...whom ever you might be, I hope the winter is treating you as well as it is me.

1 comment:

ufo726 said...

ah yes, winter... a little snow here today, also. Birds feverishly flitting about the feeder. (you should get one... see what you get, no?) Heading to the Catskills tomorrow for a day hike. Maybe an overnight... probly not. Things moving at a slow pace around here. Jan done working at IES and my job is on again off again... i don't mind. Thanks for sharing the blog. Enjoy checking in on your side of the planet. Later Tom